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Workshop: “How to Build a Robot with LEGOs” Workshop: “How to Build a Robot with LEGOs”

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Зовём на занятия


с 16 октября 2017




American Center Moscow. Новинский бульвар, 21


Баррикадная, Смоленская

Как пройти?

Здание Посольства США (вход в арку с левой стороны)




8 (495) 728-5243

Условия участия:

Мероприятия проходят на английском языке. Регистрация - http://amc.ru/events/workshop-how-to-build-a-robot-with-legos-13/

Do you like LEGOs? Would you like to learn how they can be used to build a robot? Join our continuing workshops on Monday afternoons to learn about how robots work – the sensors they use, how they’re able to find their way through a labyrinth and how do they communicate? Over the course of this workshop each participant will learn about the structure of robots and will build his/her own robot using the LEGO EV3 Robot Programming.

Led by Alexey Inyatkin, Civil and Software Engineer.