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Vanishing Bees and Emerging Grassroots Activism George Langworthy Cinematographer and filmmaker Vanishing Bees and Emerging Grassroots Activism George Langworthy Cinematographer and filmmaker

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Зовём на встречи и собрания


с 16 февраля 2012




Американский культурный центр. На третьем этаже Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы. Николоямская ул., д. 1

Как пройти?

Американский культурный центр. На третьем этаже Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы. Николоямская ул., д. 1



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George Langworthy’s documentary films have covered topics as diverse as American rock ‘n roll groups, holistic therapy for AIDS, modern dance, teenage environmental activism and the life of bees. His award-winning short film, BREEZEWAY, premiered at the Sundance Festival in 1997. (You can view it online at:  http://vimeo.com/16194745.)

 His latest documentary, “The Vanishing of Bees”, has drawn much international praise and will be shown in Moscow 17-19 February 2012 at the Экочашка Film Festival. The film presents a powerful expose of the alarming rate of disappearance of bees and its traumatic effect on the environment, but also showcases the importance and hope of local grassroots organizations and volunteers attempting to solve this problem.

 During his program in Moscow, Mr. Langworthy will discuss environmental issues with visitors at the Eco Cup festival, meet with students and journalists, as well as speak with representatives of local NGOs and young activists groups. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!