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Talk: «Meeting with YouTube Blogger Ilya Levyant: Life of American Student» Talk: «Meeting with YouTube Blogger Ilya Levyant: Life of American Student»

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Зовём на встречи и собрания


с 11 января 2019




American Center Moscow. Новинский бульвар, 21


Баррикадная, Смоленская

Как пройти?

Здание Посольства США (вход в арку с левой стороны)




8 (495) 728-5243

Условия участия:

Регистрация - https://amc.ru/?post_type=timepad-events&p=140122

Studying abroad may be very challenging. Many international students studying in the United States find it important to be able to adapt to the new culture and way of living. Some international students may even become stars on campus by getting involved in extracurricular activities and finding new hobbies. May videoblogging help you become popular among peers? Can you find time for both studying and working on your new hobby? 

Led by Ilya Levyant, a senior student at Fordham University, New York. Ilya studies finance, he has already worked for several American companies, including big bank chains. When he moved to New York, Ilya started his YouTube Channel called ‘GoHello’. It is now a great source of information for those interested in applying to American institutions of higher education.