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No Subtitles Necessary: Understanding Through Cinematography by internationally acclaimed filmmaker and cinematographer, James Chressanthis No Subtitles Necessary:  Understanding Through Cinematography by internationally acclaimed filmmaker and cinematographer, James Chressanthis

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Зовём на встречи и собрания


с 20 сентября 2010




Американский культурный центр. На третьем этаже Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы. Николоямская ул., д. 1

Как пройти?

Американский культурный центр. На третьем этаже Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы. Николоямская ул., д. 1



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Please join us for a presentation by filmmaker, James Chressanthis, who will speak about his latest documentary, “No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo & Vilmos” (which will be shown at the U.S. Documentary Film Festival here in Moscow), and the overall importance of cinematography in film. Mr. Chressanthis has enjoyed tremendous international success and has worked in close to 40 films, including studio motion pictures (such as Chicago and Urban Legend), television films and series, as well as independent films and documentaries. He is currently well-known for his roles as director and cinematographer for the popular U.S. television series Ghost Whisperer. Mr. Chressanthis has also filmed music videos for famous artists such as James Brown, Bobby McFerrin, Dr. Dre and “Weird Al” Yankovic.

“No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo & Vilmos” is a documentary film following the journeys of legendary Hungarian cinematographers, Laszlo Kovacs and Vilmos Zsigmond (whose famous works include the American film classics Easy Rider, Deliverance and Close Encounters of the Third Kind). This film has been nominated for an Emmy, was featured at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival and has won best film prizes at several film festivals.