Бюро неформатных событий Зовём.Ру

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Human Rights – An Important Part of US Foreign Policy, Peter Neisuler, US Embassy Human Rights – An Important Part of US Foreign Policy, Peter Neisuler, US Embassy

Архив. Мы больше не анонсируем данное мероприятие. Возможно информация полностью устарела. Что там дальше мы не знаем.

Зовём на лекцию


с 26 апреля 2010




Американский культурный центр. На третьем этаже Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы. Николоямская ул., д. 1

Как пройти?

Американский культурный центр. На третьем этаже Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы. Николоямская ул., д. 1



Условия участия:

Мероприятия проходят на английском языке. Вход свободный. Для прохода в здание ВГБИЛ требуется читательский билет или паспорт.

Peter Neisuler grew up in Boston and studied Russian and Literature at Columbia University. After spending a few years doing volunteer work in Africa and Latin America, he got a teaching degree from Michigan State University and taught high school English in the South Bronx for 5 years. He then went to the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and got a Master’s Degree, studying diplomatic history and Islamic history and civilization. His first two postings were Dubai and Skopje; Moscow is his third. He enjoys traveling, and has taken trips across the U.S. and Europe by bicycle, as well as across Central Asia, Siberia, and China by train. He used to run marathons, before parenthood came along; he and his wife, also a Foreign Service officer, have two boys, 3 and (almost) 5. In addition to Russian, he speaks French, Spanish, Arabic, and Bulgarian.