Бюро неформатных событий Зовём.Ру

Авторизоваться через соц. сети

Argument & Discussion Club Argument & Discussion Club

Архив. Мы больше не анонсируем данное мероприятие. Возможно информация полностью устарела. Что там дальше мы не знаем.

Зовём поговорить по-иностранному


с 18 августа 2017




American Center Moscow. Новинский бульвар, 21


Баррикадная, Смоленская

Как пройти?

Здание Посольства США (вход в арку с левой стороны)




8 (495) 728-5243

Условия участия:

Мероприятия проходят на английском языке. Регистрация - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/argument-discussion-club-tickets-36676101206?mc_cid=a92c25967e&mc_eid=de5a9a8850

Do you enjoy debate and discussion? Want to have healthy and constructive arguments on current issues and topics? Then join our newest biweekly club – Argument & Discussion Club – which will hold its first meeting on Friday, August 18th at 5p.m.

Each session will focus on a “Topic of the Day” and will incorporate several opposing positions to that topic. Debate topics will be determined based on current international, economic, social and political issues. Teams will brainstorm and create their positions and present them to each other. Each team will receive feedback and tips on how to strengthen particular argument skills in English.

This club is open to all, but with special invitation to high school and university students.

Led by Amalia Ermina (Executive Director of Russian-American Friendship, Debate Club and Model UN activist) and Darya Khokhlova (Member of MSU Debate Club).